Vaccines Change the World
When the team at Albert Whitman & Company was developing Vaccines Change the World, we envisioned it as the definitive guide to vaccines for middle-grade readers. Inspired by the compelling manuscript, I took the design in a fresh, approachable, on-trend direction.
Colorful sidebars, quirky illustrations, historical photographs, and accessible infographics serve not only as eye candy, but also help break down the complicated science behind vaccines in an easily digestible way. Each design element was carefully chosen to reach the target audience effectively and deliver an experience that was equal parts educational and fun. Excerpts from each chapter of the book are shown below.
Vaccines Change the World was a 2022 Foreword Indies Finalist in Juvenile Nonfiction.
Vaccines Change the World
Written by Gillian King-Cargile
Illustrated by Sandie Sonke
Designed & art directed by Aphelandra
Published by Albert Whitman & Company